Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic focuses on the top two bones of the neck. This area is also referrred to as the Craniocervical Junction. In other words, this is where the head connects to the neck. This is also where the majority of the movement of the neck originates. Our ability to turn our heads and nod up and down come from this area. That means this area is critical in regards to how our neck functions.
These top two bones, C1 (also known as Atlas) and C2 (also known as Axis), are shaped differently than the rest of the cervical vertebra, which allows for these broad movements. However, this increased mobility comes at the expense of stability. This means that these two bones are prone to subluxation, or misalignment, due to injury or trauma. When these bones move out of position, it imbalances the head slightly, causing increased strain on the small muscles in the neck...